Kingdom Vending Brokers
For 10 years Khalil D. McDaniel studied the vending industry in Atlanta, GA. Under the guidance of his mentor, he learned every aspect of the industry from business operations to repairs, to customer retention.
After his first 7 years of working in vending he found much success, but he had lost his passion for vending that he once had and wanted to make a change. Searching for a way out, he turned to real estate as his new industry. Immediately after graduating real estate school, Covid-19 swept the world and shut down most businesses before he was given the opportunity to complete, the real estate licensing exam. With nowhere else to go, Khalil turned back to the industry where he found his original success.
Khalil began to apply his newfound knowledge of real estate to the vending industry and once again found success, but this time by buying and selling the contracts required for vendors as if they were real estate. For the next 3 years Khalil continued this process. By working with many clients and customers he was able to understand there was a lack of knowledge for those looking to purchase their first vending machines and get started in the industry.
On January 2nd, 2023, Khalil D. McDaniel opened the first Kingdom Vending branch dedicated to providing clients with the training, supplies, and network needed to start their very own vending business as he once did
Kingdom Vending’s Mission is to find individuals who are looking to invest their time, money, and focus into the starting and owning a vending business. We will assist them by providing them with the training, supplies and network to continue to grow and become self-sufficient.
An integral part of Kingdom Vending’s success is maintaining structure, order, and consistency of high quality. All agents abide by the rules set forth and work to maintain a high level of care, knowledge, and integrity in all that we do. We are expected to maintain this high level of quality at all times and are corrected if we ever operate below standard. Those who cannot maintain this standard are dismissed from duty. This is how we control our standards.
Kingdom Vending is where we come to train ourselves to become the highest quality versions. We understand that the quality of our work reflects the quality of who we are as a person. Each day the work that we conduct not only builds our business and our clients, but also builds us and provides us a platform to test ourselves in the real world.
The mindset of a Kingdom Vending agent is that of empowerment. We follow the Empowerment Principle, which is our method for encouraging ourselves and our clients to act by providing them with the inspiration, information, and motivation to do so.
Every day we must focus our minds on how we can empower ourselves and our clients to reach our goals. We find ways to persevere through adversity because we understand that challenges are a natural part of life. We look to empower ourselves and clients whether we are in a strong, or weak position.
The Mindset we craft at Kingdom Vending makes us superior to the challenges of life whether it is in the realm of business, internal, or interpersonal relationships. We apply and train with the knowledge that we acquire here in order to perfect it and apply it to every aspect of our lives.
Our primary color is Kingdom Purple. Purple is the color of power, nobility, and wisdom. Throughout history purple was reserved for only the greatest and most prosperous kingdoms because it was a very expensive color to produce. We utilize Kingdom Purple to express to the world that we operate under knowledge and structure. This is a display of the level of success that we’ve obtained and the level of success that we can provide for our clients.
Our secondary colors are black, white, and gray. These colors provide a neat and clean palette to accentuate our Kingdom purple. The clean palette displays to our clients that we are structured, maintain order, and that we can provide the same for them.
The Ideal Industry
Our idea of the perfect industry vending industry is one that is dominated by independent vendors. Each vendor has the knowledge and resources to build their own vending business and become self-sufficient. Customers are satisfied with the products that vendors provide them with a level of customer service every time they make a purchase. In this ideal industry vendors are able to flourish with routes that bring them 6 figure and above semi passive income each year.
The ideal agent is a well-dressed, well groomed, highly intelligent man or woman of respect. They are not only equipped with knowledge, but also have a level of charm and persuasiveness that allows them to enthrall clients with our purpose. The ideal agent has a high attention to detail and has the integrity to hold themselves as well as others around them to the standards set forth. They believe that these beliefs sculpt them into better versions of themselves and strive every day to fulfill this vision.
The Ideal Client is a man or woman who understands the value of vending machines bring to their live and embraces the industry with an open mind. They are in search of the knowledge they need to not only enter the industry but also become one of the best vendors. They understand that it takes time, investment, and patience to build their business and they persevere through any challenge presented to them.
Kingdom Vending and all of those it encounters value knowledge above all. We pride ourselves in not only having knowledge of the vending industry but also being able to apply it and teach it to others. We understand that growth is a continuous process and that no matter how much we grow, by attaining knowledge we allow ourselves to grow even larger.